Friday, May 29, 2015

Evolving Fashion Through A Clothing Line: Designing

Fashion is like the hands of a clock that always inevitably hit the same points but on a different date; Great trends are continuously revolving in fashion just with a different twist each time. Constantly roaming around in my mind, this fact latches on to every pattern, cut, and neckline that generates from my brain.

I defy the nonchalant image every little girl has of themselves designing a clothing line.

Paper hurling, I toss graceful erroneously stroked balls of thinly sliced wood relentlessly to the floor. Hit and misses are okay with sports, but when putting out a clothing line that’s a foreign experience. Therefore my pencil is a vein where passion streams from my body to my paper, but the swift movement of my hands aren’t blindly advancing along it. Every mark acts as a link in a meticulously planned theme. Fuchsia pocket here, fuchsia shirt there, fuchsia shoes over there.  Fuchsia, the joint that connects my ballroom gown with my jaunty dailylook, represents the transition from frilly colors that repel the blazing heat waves of the sun during June and July to the sinister dyes, similar to a cloudy day, that grasp wavelengths creating a toasty feeling in the crisp dry air of winter.
But wait, Exactly what do I want my customers to do with my clothing? Most definitely not just pair fuchsia with the basic colors, but I’m shooting for my customers to be rejuvenated with life as they freely color block. Finally, after tossing away numerous designs, I have found the perfect theme that will be held up by stepping stones, the objective for the theme.  Regardless of all the work put in already, I’m just the piece still at the start on position en through the Candyman’s sticky path. In order to get past this point, I transfer my designs to my computer by shifting minuscule pixels in a CAD (Computer assisted Design) Program. To be sent with the CAD, I carefully weave the sharp dainty needle of my sewing machine through each piece of fabric in order to bring my designs to life. In other words, the prototype, or the last step in designing a clothing line,  is complete.

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    Surrounded with wonderful designs and anxious customers, I am forced to crank  out the supply demanded from me. Therefore, every morning my employees walk in to me managing a room inundated with fabric before the first shifts even begin. Although the salty beams of sweat and tears of joy flow from my face, I am ecstatic to know my clothing line is on it’s way to success.

Fall Fashion Sketch By Alexia Moore


  1. Very creative drawing

  2. Your topic is very cool! And you're very good at designing it good job!

  3. You write so well!!! Your use of higher-level vocabulary, figurative language and sentence structures are very impressive.

  4. Your choice in vocabulary shows that you have learned from this class and your presentation was outstandingly organized. You know exactly what you wanted to do and I enjoyed it.

  5. What i think stood up most on this presentation is the split into designing and advertising

  6. i love the diction and I like how you went in depth about everything

  7. I loved the drawing. Very creative how you managed to make a real fantastic topic about creating a clothesline.

  8. I like your topic and you did a really great job with explaining. I enjoy your presentation.

  9. Daaang girl!!!!!! You made it lol. Love that drawing by the way.

  10. "Fashion is like a hand clock..." very powerful line. I enjoyed listening to you talk about fashion since that's something your passionate about.
