Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Reading Life

    Many people would say that a person who reads is an educated person, and if one doesn't read then he truly isn't educated.  Before this year, my junior year, I would have turbantly gave a tirade selling myself as an educated person who used books as placemats more often than reaing from them, but after reading every day of every week, I've lerned just how far I was from being educated. With that knowledge I also learned more about who I am as a reader, my stengths and weaknesses, and what steps I need to take to improve as a reader.Surprisingly, when I read for long periods of time it was much like training for a marathon because I had to go through the same process of a runner.
    As my endurance increased I accumulated a greater knowledge of just how far I could go before reaching my breaking point. When I first started my reading journey I was reading, disappointingly, only two books per year, but now I've read three books in the span of only nine weeks. Obviously, the amount of books I've read is increasing at a rate much faster than years prior to this one, but that's not my only area or improvement. Now reading so quickly I could be mistaken for swiftly skimming through a book, I am able to breeze through a book without incessantly stuttering due to my mental vocabulary being broadened. Although I struggle with staying awake when reading, I have planned to increase my reading goal to 20 books per year. In order to do this, I must read on the weekends, like I've been doing, and also during the weekdays. All in all if I keep up my training toward my own personal marathon, I will be able to read an amount five times greater than the most challeneging book I've read, "the devil wears prada"

Friday, October 24, 2014

Picking the Perfect Outfit

    BLEEP, BLEEP, the blaring sound of my alarm clock beckoning me to break free from the shackles of  my bed. Frantically tossing clothes in the air, I scour my wardrobe for the perfect outfit to conquer the day. After completely obliterating the neatness of my room, I find the one, the Perfect Outfit.
    Dressed as smoothly as a celebrity, I step on the scene as a completely metamorphosed person. Mouths dropping to the floor, on lookers wonder about the, at a first glance, new girl.  With panache, I walk down the halls and embrace the stares from intrigued peers reverencing for me and accept their copious compliments. Compliments levitating me and allowing me to pretense the fact that I'm not confident at all. As I strut down the hallway with my newly found confidence, I begin to realize guys are offering their hearts to me; they are  insisting I allow them to devout themselves to my every need. Glaring their eyes directly toward me, girls all around me give me the notorious outfit check and realize my outfit looks, irrefutably, AWESOME as they gingerly look me up and down.
    Although all the above is plenty enough of  "a pat on the back," I'm still not to the apex of praise.  Tapping me on the shoulders, my elders ascertain to instill in my mind that they respect what I've done with today's outfit by explaining my attire's high points. Receiving compliments from my elders confirms that razing the neatness of my room for an amazing outfit was completely worth it. I, without a doubt, picked an AWESOME getup.

Fashion, Woman, Yellow Dress, Gown, Runway, Model

Thursday, October 9, 2014

How I tackled the Go World Video Project

Go World Video:

       In today's society we are all weighed down by burdens that seem catastrophic in our eyes but petty in the rest of the world's eyes. In order to give the world a peek into my mind I created a Go World Video by starting with a good topic as a foundation, using diction that contributes to my message , and revising based on how I desired my audience to feel. The process seemed easy until I realized I had to produce similar results to those of an essay in only 30-65 words, so at that point I knew I had to start sturdy from the beginning.
     With every great argument it is crucial to have a topic that we can distend on as we write, and the easiest way I figure to achieve it is by simply having passion for the topic.  Therefor I chose to write about the one struggle that could have changed my whole life if I had handled it the the wrong way, which was, for me, my A's atrophying to, what felt like, obliteration. Because I hadn't ever experienced working hard in school and not seeing results, the solution of dropping out seemed to be pleading for me to down that path and I had no one to tell me not to. Because I was at a point when I was struggling so badly that my two options were dropping out or to keep pushing until I saw results, due to them being exact opposites I knew my message was very clear.
      Much like my topic, my goal was to choose words to narrow in my argument. For example in my Go World Video I said, "School wasn't made for asinine people, people who are stupid like her. Oh, how asinine she was to think those silly thoughts." By saying this I was able to say that not pushing ourselves until we see success is foolish. Also by the use of repetition I allowed the reader to see an obvious transition in the way I thought about myself. I also simply utilized my personal vocabulary by choosing words with a really negative connotation or really positive connotation. A great example is defeat because if we are on the side of defeat we lost a battle, we lost a since of respect, and we lost a piece of our pride. Although it seems like I knew exactly where I was going with my writing process, I actually needed to make crucial revisions to evoke the audience's emotions.
      When revising, my overall goal was to instill the emotions I felt while going through this struggle, into my audience members as they watched my video. During my struggle to improve my grades, I was depressed for a really long period of time, but slowly my hard work started to pay off. In order to create and terminate this feeling of depression in my audience under thirty seconds I revised the beginning to get really sad really quickly so the effects would happen sooner. While trying to achieve the above, I had to write, erase, substitute weak words with strong words, and repeat until I finally found the right words to express exactly how I felt once they were brought together. As for creating the relief part of my video, I did the opposite of the depression period by gradually  working my way up to the "happily ever after." By doing this I caused my audience to see the good times coming, but being so anxious for it's arrival that they became almost desperate similarly to the way I felt right before everything worked out. It's hard to believe putting all that emotion in so little words is possible, but with a process anything is possible.
        Because I had a goal in mind I was able to accomplish this by having a good buttress for my video, or argument, word choice that made my argument more specific, and revising so that I took my audience on the same journey of emotions that I went through.