Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Articles of Confederation

The articles of confederation was a huge turning point for many Americans because it represented a greater future for those subjected to the rulings of a stranger. This attempt at the creation of a constitution was great because it allowed American colonists to have liberty from, what they thought to be, unlawful rulings. Also, it allowed them an opportunity to create a better life because they could travel freely between the Union's boundaries. Although this was great, the articles of confederation had some major flaws. One of these was the fact that they couldn't pull together one army because each state had their own troops, which meant their own agenda. Also with the Articles of Confederation, it was extremely hard to tax, which was necessary in order to get the nation stable again from war.

English Bill of Rights

The English bill of rights was essential because it made sure the rights of the people were protected no matter what. That was essential to the American constitution due to the fact that the original just outlined the powers of each branch of government and the powers of the state. This could have possibly made individuals pawns of government once again stripped of their natural rights.

Magna Carta

The Magna Carta is important because it set a precedent all around the world. The Magna Carta made it possible for the leader of a country to skip immunity to laws. Due to this, when the American government was formed, the constitution was set up to where the man we call our leader could never take advantage of us. This was done in Article II of the constitution where it says that the president must abide by the law or be removed from office. Therefore, he is being held accountable for his actions like the rest of Americans. Also due to the constitution, he can never create an amendment to void this.

Creating a State

 Although we are all most comfortable with no change at all, if we wanted to create a new state the is only two ways to do it. The first way is by being a territory. Territories are allowed admission as a state once their population grants them admission to the constitutional convention. After that, the territory representatives must create a state constitution, which must be approved by congress. In past cases, all states were admitted at that point.The other way to become a state is by either combining with another state or breaking off from a state. This can only be done with the approval of congress and the representatives of that state in the legislative branch.

Roots of Democracy

 Although American independence from Britain set an amazing precedent across the world, our government didn't just come from thin air. As a matter of fact, other types of government, such as athhenian and fuedalism, influenced our government.

 During the very begining of the colonization of American our government resembled Anthenian styled  government and fuedalism in Europe. An Athenian style government was a government that ran much like a republic where the people were able to vote, but simply living in the region wasn't enough to be a citizen. There were those that were superior and those that were inferior, but unfortunately only the superior group was granted citizenship. This part was a direct relationship between colonists and native americans. Unfortunately, this wasn't the only issue with the formation of the American goernment.

  Making the category as the superior race just meant you were a citizen, but being a citizen didn't push foward respect very much. In other words, the only way one was able to make an impact was by being successful, and the only way to do that was by owning land. This was called Fuedalism. Therefore, the way many early countries were being ran was extremely bias. This made things extremely hard for those tied to their race or another man's land.